Construction of 22 residential houses for the Al-Najaf refinery
Client: Midland Refiners Company
POC: Midland Refiners Company – AlNajaf Refiners
Description: Construction of 22 residential houses for the Al-Najaf refinery. The works include the constriction of two type of houses with different area size, Type (A) have 253M² ,Type(B) 176M² both type include two bedrooms and kitchen ,bathroom .total number 22 house 11 for each tape.
Staff Details: Our Site office has highly experienced engineers and technicians who manage the site activities, our offices support the project by purchasing materials that we need for our project. A total of 11 engineers, 35 technicians and 5 highly educated administrative personnel cover phases of the project.
Starting Date: January 2011
Completion Date: April 2012